The facts and facts I passed the model house of Phu My Hung for reference about the project, I see that the Investor has a pretty good way of selling. I would like to refer to more detailed information analyzed by Mr. Do Van Huynh.

Accordingly, the investor does not massively launch, sells at all costs, but offers limited products and carefully selects buyers through many stages, selling in a sequence as follows:
– Customers must write a letter to buy an apartment with their personal information.
– After reviewing documents that meet all the criteria, customers pass the research round and receive an invitation letter to join the sale opening event.
– You are still not sure to buy it, because customers still have to draw randomly and if they win, each person can only buy one apartment.
– Sale on PMH floor is only allowed to sell new products, not to resell, to transfer sold products to customers.
On average, in Phu My Hung’s recently launched projects for sale, one out of every 3 to 4 attendees is lucky enough to buy a house. With a rich group of customers, when the need to dress – stay – travel is no longer bothering, the need to be respected and shown themselves becomes the most important. The highest level of sales is making customers feel respected, express themselves and feel proud of their choices. A product that makes people think that not everyone can buy is a very successful marketing product. In this respect, Phu My Hung is doing very well!
Explaining about getting to know customers and selecting customers to buy, the representative of Phu My Hung said: “The most important thing is to find out the buying purpose of customers. If in a project, the investment rate is too much, the sustainable development orientation is difficult to guarantee. We give priority to customers to buy to stay, because when the project is completed, it will quickly fill people with living and urban life. At the same time, the review process also ensures that buyers are financially capable, and limit surfing speculation, which avoids the massive sale that reduces product prices, affecting the general market. In addition, the selection of guests also helps us to proactively build the cultural ground of the residents in the future, ensuring their level and lifestyle. ”
As far as I know, the current motto of PMH is still REAL BUY = URBAN “LIVE”; LIMITATION FOR DEVELOPMENT. Let’s wait and see how the results of this change will be