From 2015 to now, according to Khanh’s observation, houses are invested, people are speculating. There are a lot of people who got rich in the past cycle, but there are many people who face and vow never to return to real estate investment again because of selling goods, holding the goods, holding the bitter fruit, selling cutting losses without being able to use the blow Excessive leverage was confiscated by the bank, recovered, auctioned property, husband and wife separated because of quarrels, children were dissatisfied with their parents for not allowing money to pay the gangster debt ….

According to Khanh, it is because investors do not understand some of the principles of real estate investment and even have the wrong direction by the investor, the floor and the sale, so when the money is down, they cannot turn back. This article only talks about investing in primary products, buying and selling projects for the whole family.

Below are the common mistakes of investors F0, who just entered the real estate investment field, lack of knowledge and experience that are prone to failure, read and comment:

Buy a product for sure the first phase?
– A lot of investors have the thought of how to book a lot to buy right in the first phase, everything will be fine, this mentality also has the right idea but not all. Because of this mentality that many developers, despite setting extremely high prices, customers still rush in without observing the surrounding projects that have been open for sale or have been handed over for a long time with the same location and leading segment. when the product needs to be released, it can not make profit or the profit is extremely thin and difficult to find. Investors usually choose the worst place to sell, so they usually have a cheaper price, so buying the first time does not mean buying the best price

– Typically, some apartment projects and townhouses launched in 2018-2019 in the East and other provinces are currently “shut up” and cut losses quite a lot because there are no secondary investors and customers buying at price. high and poor position

Buying land is only the price increase?
– This mentality accounts for the majority and Khanh has also analyzed the reason why, basically because the thinking that land is an asset has ingrained in many generations of Vietnamese people, corruption creates dirty money, no. high taxes on property on land, many loopholes of the legal system. Agree that the land will increase but where and when, how long will require knowledge, experience, accurate information is extremely important.

– A lot of customers embrace the land and are now crying because they bought the land fever right now, the coal shifts from one hand to another when the project is completely unable to pull people back, which means solving the problem “An Cu “If you want An Cu, convenient transportation infrastructure, basic utilities such as schools, markets, supermarkets, health care, shopping … must be guaranteed. It is not just to be wild

Buying new book land is safe?
– This investment view is also wrong, because when the book is issued, the price is already high, there is no longer enough profit margin. The investor needs cash flow to implement the project so they will sell the investment price, but if the infrastructure is finished, the price of the buyer is not the investment anymore. The story here is that investors need to have enough knowledge to understand the process as well as the legal of a project in order from a vacant piece of land to form a residential, urban or a project What are the steps in a high-rise apartment project? Why must there be? How is legal enough? That way, we don’t get stuck on unfinished projects, don’t know when it’s built and built, so no one will buy even if they sell cheaply.

Buy the investor is the lowest price?
– This view is quite wrong, buying from the investor floor or the dealer floor is almost the same price except for some “not playing nice” investors who invite the floor to sell but have a separate discount policy for If you buy from the investor’s floor, this way of playing non-fairplay sooner or later will push the investor into the scene “playing alone” holding hot goods that cannot be sold.

– Back to the point, the most important thing is which investor buys from which investor and which broker buys the most important. Simply, if the investor is reputable, has a mind, and has a reputation, they will follow the project to the end and always ensure the project is fully legal, pull the people in to create a “life” and always try to create profits. for small individual investors to accompany you. Buying from an experienced and ethical broker who does not sell regardless, investors will feel secure in the evaluation and analysis of investment efficiency, and feel secure about the future release.

Is it okay to buy when you see many buyers?
This is the reason why many F0 investors cannot draw their feet, it is the crowd sentiment and the FOMO effect that the investors, exchanges and sales have been besieging about. They hit directly on greed, fear of missing opportunities, crowd psychology while F0 investors lack experience, lack of knowledge and information about the real estate market. It’s easy to make wrong decisions and can’t turn back

The grace period of principal and interest to receive a house is super good?
Many investors biting their teeth to buy projects at “heaven” prices is because of this financial trap, many investors are very wise to give a trap with a preferential interest rate payment method until they receive the house. but the preferential money has been added to the selling price and the investor has announced

n the price of many years later. It is important that the investor will sell “out of stock” and find a new land to start the cycle above, the rest is that the investor faces the principal and interest of the bank “breathless” upon receiving the house, and Brokers as well as the floor will also have cut loss goods and banks to sell to customers to buy later

The above are some of the experiences and statements of individuals who do not represent any organization.

According to Luong Ngoc Khanh.