Started construction from April 2017 until now, the construction progress of the project is behind schedule due to many reasons.


About the project progress

Despite facing many difficulties due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic on a large scale, affecting production and business activities of investors; However, with the effort to overcome all difficulties, the Investor still tries to arrange all resources, direct the consulting units and contractors to follow the schedule committed to the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City.
The investor is still determined to ask the construction contractors on the construction site to implement isolation solutions under the direction of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City, while ensuring construction on the site while ensuring 5K, ensuring and executing on schedule. The level of safety against epidemics such as gathering materials and equipment at the construction site, preparing all construction plans.

Currently, activities on the construction site ensure the prevention of Covid-19 such as: Controlling personnel entering and leaving the construction site, minimizing unnecessary personnel, organizing online job exchanges, The workers in addition to the protection work are equipped with masks, arrange a disinfectant solution at the site office, periodically disinfect the construction site…
In the complicated situation of the Covid 19 epidemic, and at the same time, the City applied Directive 16, to fulfill the dual goal of “fighting the epidemic while producing, producing to fight the epidemic”, Thu Thiem Bridge Project Management Board 2 has organized the project construction according to the 3 on-site model: on-site marketing, on-site anti-epidemic, on-site accommodation. About 120 engineers and workers are arranged to work in shifts and stay at the construction site, and are provided with places to rest and eat.
Accordingly, with the focus on implementation efforts (continuous construction of 3 shifts/day, including holidays and COVID-19 epidemic), from the time of construction commencement in April 2017, up to now, the volume construction is estimated at more than 70%. In particular, the main bridge has completed the installation of 13/17 steel beam segments S2 to S1, tensioned 44/56 cable-stayed bundles, completed 30/34 towers. In the next time, we will continue to deploy more construction points, ensuring the progress, quality of the work and efforts to:
+ July 14, 2021: Installing no. 14 beams, stretching cable bundles No. 45.46, installing No. 31 tower pylons;
+ On September 2, 2021: the main span and tower pole join together, connecting the two banks of District 1 and Thu Duc City;
+ Second quarter of 2022: basically completing the work, organizing the traffic of the main bridge.