In recent years, the trend of houses to buy apartments to … invest and now there are still many successful investors, but many people suffer from losses or sell capital or profit than depositing in banks. Little bit. The loss here is the opportunity cost to invest in something more profitable. The article only considered investing in reselling profits, not for the purpose of accumulating assets or for rent to protect the value of money or the purpose of money laundering. Here are a few criteria to consult before going down:

# 1: Location

– The location of the project must still have a lot of potential for price increase as it must have the frontage of the road and it is possible to upgrade and expand in the future, the apartment in a certain alley or inner project area will only grow until it receives a house Well, then not much more.

– Another important criterion is that the project must have “what” will build in the near future (3-5 years maximum) such as a giant shopping center, a school, a train station, a bus station, big arterial roads (avoid container roads running home) …. or at least it is close to a few apartment projects open for sale at a later stage but the criteria are not too far apart!

# 2: The owner of the investment

– Must choose the investor who has implemented at least a few projects in the past, such as Khang Dien before selling Jamila apartments also has a great reputation in the project of land and houses for sale, however, the first apartment Often there will be errors arising due to inexperienced developers have not fully anticipated all the possibilities that may occur when handing over the house. For example, like Mr. Hausneo, the toilet door is made of MFC wood so the water is damaged, Jamila, the design has some places with excess capacity …

– The investor’s partners from the contractor, designer, supervisor and the lending and operational management bank must also be reputable and quality. At least on the list of Vietnam’s second-ranked list despite its mid-range apartment

# 3: Size and price:

– Investing in apartments must choose projects with not too many apartments (<500 units) and not too many apartments (> 2000 apartments) related to the ability of investors to issue goods. If there are too few apartments, there will be a lack of secondary market, the floor and brokerage involved in selling will make the market less exciting and the selling price is not as expected and prolonged capital burial. But if there are too many units, there are too many investors releasing goods even when cutting goods, even cutting losses leading to the secondary market not as expected.

– The selling price must be based on many criteria such as product distribution, investor brand but most importantly, the price of apartments that have VAT on the cleared area compared to the surrounding land price, usually houses, should be considered. investors should compare the selling price of the apartment compared to the surrounding land price, if it is equal to 1/2 to 3/5 of the land price, the townhouse around the project is a good investment, if higher, the profitability will be low.

# 4: Layout, design and utility

– Layout is also quite important, investors should still pay attention if the ground design lacks light and circulation, the ceiling height is low, especially Vietnamese people are very important to feng shui and like the house with a balcony, if it’s okay if the apartment is invested for the foreigner, paying attention to the design of the house to the door, the location where the toilet and kitchen are located …

– Layout is also related to the number of units on the floor level, the number of elevators, the location of technical equipment, garbage … bought near these places, the resale price will not be high, something like that ^^

– The design involves construction density, ceiling height, corridor, ceiling and especially the current optimal area is 40-45m2 for 1PN, 46-59m2 for 1 + 1 PN, 60-75m2 for 2 bedrooms and over 75m2 apartment of 3 bedrooms. Small apartments often sell faster and more profit, but it is difficult to take apartments in the current booking style

– Another point of view is that you should not buy a “unlucky” floor like 4.13, 14 and the highest floor because the attic should be very hot unless it is a class Penhouse. The lowest floor if the shophouse has a reasonable number / size, you should buy it if you are confident of winning and the unit price should only be up to 1.5 times higher than the apartment above, preferably a storefront and long-term ownership ( duplex)

– The female

a is determined to buy investment should not be too focused on the direction of the home, because the school fluctuations, too many feng shui views should the teachers argue forever unfinished. However, buying limited investment to buy a balcony west, buy north or south deviate ok, because of overheating, the network is also too daring to buy because of the hot weather in HCM and extremely expensive electricity.

– Utilities just choose him as the most convenient and most beautiful utility possible but the management and service fee must be reasonable, but it is also tiring in the sky. Many guests flock to apartments and townhouses just because they are afraid of “management fee”.

# Thursday: Payment schedule

– Choose who gives the lightest, most flexible payment possible. The most optimal is the investors with foreign capital, not to collect more than 50% without handing over the house, they usually put it in very light, initially sign a contract of 10-20% then after every 1-5% / month but not over 50%, very strong to surrender without pressure to pay. Foreign investors often do well in law, construction, pink books and most importantly money, these men have enough money to do so, they can sell it, do not borrow from banks and go to international businesses. should keep his reputation with his state

– Regarding the high-end apartment segment, I currently appreciate Mr. Capitaland and Keppleland, the high-rise segment with Mr. EZland is quite good.

– Regarding Vietnamese investors, please leave comment because … bad luck but still appreciate Vin in the high-end segment, Novaland, Khang Dien in the high-middle segment, Nam Long in the middle-price housing segment.

# Friday: Time of investment and release

– Should buy from the beginning and the first stage if the project has a lot of burning sales because it will buy the best price and eat according to the increase in the price of the following phases from the investor. The second golden time is before the time of receiving the house, although the amount of money put on is quite large, about 50-70% but when the handover is the time when the apartment is near the highest possible level. Five years later, only the increase in the currency devaluation or the fluctuations in infrastructure or utilities nearby the price increase.

– Buying wholesale and retail: if the investor has a high discount policy and sufficient finance and measures the market as well as good relationship with the exchanges and brokers, the wholesale and retail investment should be equal to the prime price. Fourthly, the advantage is definitely profit though not much, but the downside is the pressure of cash flow is very high, easily leading to a battle if not turning money and out of time.

– There are 4 basic combustion products in apartment investment:

1. Surfing stakes: as soon as you can pick up a nice small apartment, you can profit much later, you will sell immediately a few dozen with mid-high apartments or a few hundred with high-end apartments.

2. Investor sells phase 2: at this time the company price will increase from 3-10% depending on the investor, the first phase investors will have profit if the sale is lower than the investor price and the apartment is beautiful.

3. Sell after receiving the house: now that the apartment is completed, the buyer will begin to learn about the apartment, utilities in the apartment and around, and they are assured because the house was handed over, friends of They also want to stay together … The demand for buying is quite high, resulting in good liquidity

4. Apartment with pink book: will be easier to sell because there are many support banks, so interest rates are better, buyers are more secure, buy and sell less tax (declare less) because of income tax considering the receipt of the investor already.


– The profit is not as high as the investment in red book land, so don’t have too much expectation, usually is 15-30% from the time of construction to the receipt of the house, ideally 40-60% if meeting a “fragrant” project. Meet all the criteria above. I still consider the priority level of investment: land >> townhouses >> apartments.

– Investment has won or lost, 10 games that eat “delicious” are 3 games, horizontal or tiny bank of 3 games and 4 tie games can already be considered successful when investing in general.

– Should choose an apartment with a location that can rent at least 5% / cost of room capital when the market goes down and not sold yet can rent to get interest to close the bank


– Say what you say, each market phase, the flexible tools to choose according to the investment product is the ground or base

apartments, the amount of money invested, the time it takes to deliver and the purpose of the apartment to live with the accumulation of assets, the cash flow is less than the investment of land and houses only.

– Most important when investing is not to follow the crowd, but must decide by their knowledge, experience, thorough research, cooperation with a broker with heart and experience. Now most investors sell booking rumor prices, concentrated sales create scarcity of products, if not alert, it is likely that they will quickly decide to buy bad apartments or high prices, large area .. . difficult to sell out later